And now for some good news.

Published July 22, 2013 by Britt

Since I’ve already covered a topic filled with pretty much bad news, let’s look at some good news and be positive.



Unless you’re living under a rock, Prince William and Kate had their baby today, and it’s a bouncing baby boy.

Congratulations. Have some balloons from Oriental Trading.

Obviously this kid won’t be taking the throne anytime soon despite being third in line for it (Holy crap the queen is old, as cool as she is), and since Charles is the same age as my grandma and chances are he’ll last for just as long, then William may last that long, so the poor kid won’t be king until he’s 90. Start singing, kiddo. Now give me a name that I want to judge less than North West.

Also, Great Britain, you owe me a Doctor Who 50th anniversary trailer. And the answer to how Sherlock survived. And an answer on who Mark Gatiss is playing in Game of Thrones.

On a more personal note…

I’ve gotten the standard “ermergerd royal baby” thing out to make sure I show you all I don’t live under a rock, now we’ll talk about me some more. Kind of me. More my family. But it’s personal.

A few weeks ago we got a letter in the mail asking us to be a host family for an exchange student. Being the only teenager in my family’s circle of friends, I automatically say “omg please mom?” She thinks it’s cool, so she goes looking into it and making sure it’s legitimate. It is, so Mom puts in an application. We get a call that evening saying that our application looks awesome and it’s more complete than some of the other host families (Mom’s OCD, but it doesn’t make sense why you WOULDN’T completely fill out the application. It’s kind of common sense, right?) and so we were basically waitlisted since we missed the deadline for applications.

That Wednesday we get a call saying that they had a girl for us. She is from Turkey, she’s Muslim, and she seems generally very normal. The pictures they included didn’t include headscarves, and they showed a family photo where one girl was wearing a strapless dress, another was wearing short shorts, like very normal people. My family is incredibly open minded when it comes to Islam, and we really don’t think that Islam is the root of all evil like some people like to make it out to be. (FYI, jihad has been warped by the media to mean “holy war.” It doesn’t. It means “defending your religion.” It’s like someone saying “God sucks” and you saying “No he doesn’t.” THAT IS IT.) We think that there are some crazy people in the world, and it doesn’t really matter what religion they are. Christians have done some crazy crap too. So, this was not a problem for us. She was originally placed with a single father, which we later learned through our Turkish research that that is a cultural no-no.

After an interview with a lady, we got a call while we were out to dinner for my grandma’s birthday saying that they liked us, and we were officially going to host her. We got an email from her today saying how excited she was to meet us. She’ll be here August 9th, and we can’t wait! Now we just have to research and email back and forth so we know as much as possible. Her English is actually very good and easy to understand. A couple mistakes, but nothing crazy.

So, I’ll blog about that. And I’ll be calling my book reviews “Reviews of a Bibliophile.” Since I don’t make mug brownies for my reviews anymore. Oh well.

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